Saturday, May 1, 2010

24.5 weeks...

Wow, I can't believe I'm already 24 1/2 weeks! We found out at our ultrasound last week that The Bean’s kidney with too much fluid got worse, so they are referring us to a pediatric urologist at the local children’s hospital. I was pretty upset at first, since when I asked the OBGYN how worried we should be he said he honestly didn’t know, since it wasn’t his area of expertise. But after I talked to one of the docs at the hospital and he assured me that babies with this condition generally do well and live long healthy lives I felt much better. They got us in for the “first available” appt., which isn’t for a month. They won’t actually do anything for our Bean until after he’s born--if anything (such as surgery) is needed--but they want to meet with us ahead of time so that if he does need surgery we’re not meeting with these docs for the first time right after I give birth. I really don’t have a lot of information about all of this, but just plan to bring a long list of questions to our appointment at the end of May.

Other than that, he looks good and is measuring on track. We were very happy to see him again, and got a 3-D ultrasound this time. Oh, and the nesting instinct is kicking in big time. I never thought I'd be able to do anything before he's born, but now we're actually talking about ordering a crib (we can get a discount if we order before May 15). I think it's how I deal with any anxiety I have about The Bean. Whenever I start to get nervous, I research nursery decor!


  1. How nerve-wracking! I hope your little guy won't need surgery - has anyone told you if this may resolve on its own? That seems like an eternal wait for an appointment, but at least you know that there's nothing that can be done right now. Much luck - I'm sure all will be well.

  2. We're not sure if it may resolve on its own. We were under the impression that that is what might happen, so we don't know if they are referring us to the specialist b/c it won't, or if they are doing the better safe than sorry route. That'll definitely be one of our 1st questions when we meet with the urologist later this month.
