Sunday, December 20, 2009

it's a two-fer...

So we got our u/s Friday. It was 5 weeks 2 days since my IUI. Baby A was measuring 5 wks 1 day. Baby B was 5 weeks 2 days. Yes, it's twins!!! We're so excited, but so cautious since we're only seeing sacs at this point and I have a horrible track record with all of this. We're going back on the 29th, which should tell us more.

There was a 3rd thing that the u/s tech labeled "???? 3rd sac?", but my RE isn't convinced that it was actually a sac so we're just keeping an eye on it.

We were so shocked since we thought we only had 2 mature eggs with one on the bad tube side, but the tech said I had 1 or 2 others that probably caught up before the IUI.

I was over the moon happy on Friday. Today I'm trying to enjoy it, but already worried that real morning sickness hasn't kicked in yet. I just want some sign that this pg. is different and that these two will stick!


  1. OMG!! OMG!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! YIPEEE!!!!! You can't see me but I'm grinning ear to ear and jumping up and down for you!!! Hooray!!!!

    p.s. You might not get morning sickness. A lot of people who do injectables don't because you already have elevated hormone levels. I only felt a little queasy during the end of the 1st trimester and only when I was driving to work in the morning. Try hard not to sweat the small stuff yet. :)

  2. How exciting! Congratulations - can't wait to hear what the next ultrasound reveals.

  3. I just spent my lunch hour reading your blog (after I Googled "Are my eggs bad? I can't stay pregnant!" Yes, I'm crazy. ;) And I'm just SO happy for you. Congratulations! I look forward to reading more about your journey!

  4. Thanks ladies for being my cheerleaders with this one! Babydreaming, I can't tell you how many times I have Googled something similar. I'll be sure to check out your blog too...
