Thursday, December 10, 2009


Well, the results are in. I tested out my trigger, then started getting lines again over the weekend. We confirmed the BFP with betas on Monday and Wednesday this week, and so far so good. I go for beta #3 tomorrow.

It's so hard to know what to feel. This is my 4th pregnancy since January of this year alone. Part of me has so much faith that this will be the one. The other part hopes I just stay pregnant through the weekend since I have a baby shower to go to and it'll be way easier if I'm still pregnant. Loss definitely puts a weird spin on pregnancy. We're just hoping for the best.


  1. YAY!! Never pass up an opportunity to celebrate, even if it is with caution. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and sending tons of hugs and positive energy your way.

    I hope you'll be able to update on Monday. I'll bw nervously waiting for, hopefully, good news until then. (And good luck a the baby shower. I know those things can be rough, even when your cautiously optimistic.)
