Sunday, January 24, 2010

10w4d and counting

I'm sorry I've been so bad about posting an update. My long-prayed-for nausea is in full swing, so I've been lying still a lot lately and have been online a lot less.

We saw my OBGYN last week at 10 weeks. He did bloodwork, etc., but wasn't planning on doing an ultrasound until I pressed for it. So he ended up doing a quick one--we got to see our little Bean moving around in there, which was amazing. It was measuring 3 days behind, which really upset me at the time since it's been 100% on track up until then. But the OBGYN reassured me that plus or minus a few days is OK at this point. I hope he's right.

We go in on Feb. 4 to see a genetic doc for our first trimester genetic screening. Considering my age, that's our next big hurdle.

Other than that, I still wake up every day in shock that I'm still pregnant. The nausea/vomiting is reassuring, but I think I've finally hit the breaking point where I'm going to have to ask my doc for some drugs. I've been trying to avoid them, but last night I was up until 7 a.m. because I felt too sick to sleep. Plus I can't keep my prenatal vitamins down (I started taking folic acid separately since that doesn't seem to make me vomit). I feel so guilty when I complain about feeling bad. If this little guy makes it, it will be so worth it!


  1. Well, there you go - that's pregnancy for and misery all at the same time. Hope the nausea resolves soon.

  2. I was missing you! What a wonderful update. Sorry about the nausea. That sucks. The doctor can definitely give you something to help. Preggy Pops help too (although not in extreme cases.) I guess it's the ginger in them. Ginger is supposed to really help with nausea (although I'm sure given your condition you've already researched all this.) Hang in there! It truly is all worth it!!

  3. I was wondering where you'd been! This is a great update (except for the nausea, of course.)
