Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gluten for Punishment, or Day #2 with No Wheat


First I was just infertile.

Now I'm infertile and grouchy because all I've eaten all day is salads and gluten-free bread.


  1. Is it wrong that this really cracked me up? I'm sorry, sweetie. I could never do away with bread so I cheer you on in amazement.

  2. Hi there! Popping by from LFCA. I can't wait to see how the no wheat goes. I can do no coffee and no booze, but no wheat would kill me!

    Good luck with this tww! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

  3. Hi Welcoming you to Mel's Blog Roll. Sorry your journey has been so tough. I don't blame you about donor eggs. That is a HUGE decision to make. It was hard for us to stop ART and make the decision to adopt. So much thought needs to go into these big decisions. I wish you well.
    Stop by my blog sometime. I am founder of the non profit Parenthood for Me.
    Take care
