Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lots of little possibilities...

I had my antral follicle count with RE#2 on Friday. It was 21! I've heard that is really good for my age, and right in range for IVF.

We're still waiting for lots of test results, but it was nice to get some good news.


  1. Thanks! :-) I looked at your blog, and we both started TTC at about the same age (I got married for the 1st time right after I turned 39 and started trying right after our honeymoon.) Weird thing is, my sister got pregnant unexpectedly with #1 a few months before her wedding when she was almost 38 and she had my happy and healthy nephew, and it only took her about 6 months to get pregnant with #2 and everything is looking great (she's in her 2nd tri). I'm still so confused about why age matters for some of us and not others...

    Do you know what you are planning to do next yet, or still deciding?

  2. I know. Isn't that just the most absolutely frustrating thing about IF?! It totally sucks that age is only a factor sometimes. And the issues that effect us never seem to effect the ones in our immediate circle. I swear I hear the universe laughing at me sometimes.

    As of this moment, we're going forward with IVF #4, But I'll be holding my breath until I get a goood follicle count on this cycle!
